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Stainless steel precision tubes available as thin wall tubes in seamless or welded redrawn condition or as seamless thick wall tubes. Our precision tube program covers a wide range of materials, such as:

  • Austenitic stainless steels
  • Duplex stainless steels
  • Nickel alloys

Precision tubes from Alleima are delivered with cold drawn, ground, extremely polished or bright surface, depending on size and wall thickness.

Thin wall precision tubes - size range

Outside diameter 0.5-50.8 mm (0.0197-2 in.)
Wall thickness 0.10-3 mm (0.0039-0.118 in.)

Go to thin wall precision tubes

Thick wall precision tubes - size range

Outside diameter 0.787-130 mm (0.031-5 in.)
Wall thickness 0.254-19.05 mm (0.010-0.750 in.)

Go to thick wall precision tubes

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