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Flanges (FCLF)

All flanges are stocked in ASTM 316L, with butt welding ends.

Blind flanges (FCLFB)

In ASTM 316L.

Clamps (FCLC)

For couplings up to and including DN 150/168.3 we stock these parts in EN 1.4301/1.4306. DN 200 and 250 are available in carbon steel only.

Bolts (FCLB) and nuts (FCLN)

For couplings up to and including DN 150/168.3 we stock these parts in ASTM 304 (A2-70). DN 200 and 250 are available in carbon steel only.

Locking ring (FCLLR)

For diameters up to DN 150/168.3 we stock the suitable locking rings in ASTM 304.


Besides resistance to temperature and chemicals there are two more functions - elasticity and plasticity - that decide the sealing capacity of a gasket. Sandvik Coupling L can be supplied with three different types of massive O-rings, all providing a complete tightness.

Nitril (FCLG-N)

Rubber gaskets for maximum temperature 100°C (210°F). The Nitril gasket is an inexpensive gasket with good elasticity.

Viton (FCLG-V)

Rubber gaskets for maximum temperature 150°C (302°F). Lead cured Viton grade. Sizes 26.9 - 205 are available from stock.


PTFE gaskets for maximum temperature 260°C (500°F). Can be used in almost any medium. Note: PFTE gasket may have to be replaced when the pipeline is used after a temperature drop. The gasket will be tight again when the previous temperature is reached again. PTFE should be used only at constant temperature level, max. 260°C (500°F). Temperature variations might cause leakage due to the different heat expansion of PTFE and steel.

Working pressures for Alleima Coupling L
Tube size Working pressure at Service load
O.D. 20°C (68°F) 100°C (210°F) 260°C (500°F) according to
mm bar bar bar DIN 2401
26.9- 60.3 40 31 25 PN 40
76.1- 133 25 19 15 PN 25
139.7- 255 16 13 10 PN 16