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With a coated steel strip ready to be pressed into bipolar plates for fuel cells, the Alleima smarter coatings concept drastically shortens the production process. By removing the need and cost of coating individual plates, your entire value chain is transformed overnight.

Alleima coil-coating industrial bipolar plate production

Straight from our production site in Sandviken direct to your production line. Already coated. All ready for stamping. The shape of anode and cathode flow field patterns are formed in the coated steel strip. The anode and cathode half plates are then joined, e.g. by laser welding, and tested and inspected before being packed and transported, ready to be assembled in the fuel cell stack.

Life without smarter coatings

Converting uncoated stamped materials into high-performing bipolar plates demands multiple extra processes, all of which consume precious time and budget:

  • Transportation of bipolar plates to a batch-coating facility
  • Time and cost of unpacking the plates
  • Individually placing each plate into a coating device
  • Time for a post-coating process (rinsing or curing) and necessary inspection
  • Re-packed and transported to fuel stack assembly line