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Billets and blooms

Continuous cast blooms for the production of strip, wire, bar, hexagons and profiles. Concast blooms from Alleima are characterized by very fine surface finish and available in a wide range of stainless steels, including duplex steels. Electromagnetic stirrers ensure a homogenous structure.

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Standard program - blooms
Size range,
mm (in.)
mm (in.)
m (ft)
Surface condition
150 x 150
(5.90 x 5.90)
± 5 (±0.1968) 5 – 7
(16.4 – 23)
As cast
265 x 265
(10.43 x 10.43)
± 5 (±0.1968) 1.5 – 6
(4.9 – 19.7)
As cast
265 x 365
(10.43 x 14.37)
± 5 (±0.1968) 1.5 – 6
(4.9 – 19.7)
As cast

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