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Rock drill steel from Alleima is supplied as hollow, solid, hot-rolled, round or hexagon bar.

Surface condition and protection

Both the outer and inner surfaces are free from harmful slag marks, cracks and scratches. The maximum depth of defects is 0.20 mm (0.008 in.) on the outer surface and 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) on the inner surface. The ends are trimmed square to within 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) maximum.

The outer surface can be supplied dry or oiled for protection against corrosion during transportation. The flushing holes are normally sealed with plastic caps.


Maximum deviation is 1 mm per 1000 mm (0.04 in. per 39.4 in.).

Fixed lengths

Fixed lengths can be supplied upon request. The length tolerance for fixed lengths are:

Lengths, mm (in.)Tolerance, mm (in.)
≤ 3375 (132.87) +/- 2 (0.0787)
3376-5750 (132.91-226.38) +/- 3 (0.1181)
> 5750 (226.38) +/- 4 (0.1575)

Bars are supplied in standard, tightly-packed bundles containing maximum 1500 kg (3300 lbs).