A value-creating and sustainable business model

Alleima’s business model aims to deliver profitable growth and create added value for our stakeholders. Sustainability is a key and integral part of the entire value chain.

Customer needs are met in a fully integrated and sustainable value chain that delivers materials and products that:

  • are corrosion resistant
  • withstand high temperatures or high pressure
  • are lighter and thinner, with smaller diameters
  • have mechanical strength

and create value for people and society:

  • increasing energy efficiency and reducing CO₂ emissions
  • enabling technologies for the energy transition
  • reducing materials usage
  • contributing to safety and quality of life
  • creating shareholder returns

Control over the supply chain from R&D to end product

Research & development

Innovations that support:

- Energy efficiency andreduced CO₂ emissions
- Safety and quality of life
- Technologies for the energy transition

Sustainable sourcing and buy-back of raw materials

- Responsible sourcing of recycle steel and virgin materials
- Buy-back program for customers
- Recycling system for internal scrap
- Waste heat recovery

Melting of steel in electric arc furnace

- 100% fossil-free electricity in the process
- 80% recycled steel in the end product
- Metal recycling of residual products

Hot working

- Hot working into end products or materials for cold working
- Biogas and electric furnaces are partly used in heating ­processes
- Metal recycling of residual products
- Conversion of gas burners to increase use of biogas and natural gas

Cold working

- Cold working and finishing into processed end products
- Metal recycling of residual products


- Electric and biofuel-powered vehicles part of internal logistics and material transportation
- Continuous sustainability optimization of external transport and shipping of goods to customer
- Scrap material transportation from global facilities back to smelters in Sweden

Marketing & sales

- Marketing and sales in line with highest ethical standards
- Analysis of sustainability data part of marketing

Product use

End products that enable:
- Energy efficiency and reduced CO₂ emissions
- Technologies for the energy transition
- Reduced materials usage
- Safety and quality of life