Sep 21, 2022 9:39 AM CET

Our customer’s peroxide mill in Brazil had regular maintenance failures in a heat exchanger cooling system due to corrosion and heat issues. We suggested Sanicro® 28. It not only solved the problems but also significantly increased the cooler’s maintenance cycle.

The Background

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is commonly used for bleaching, water treatment, and hydrometallurgical processing. However, high temperatures and aggressive corrosion mean materials must be up to the challenge.

We were excited to be invited to support our customer in selecting material for a hydrogen heat exchanger cooler (shell-tube design). This equipment is usually used in the hydrogen gas purification and compression stage for H2O2 production.

The cooler, which previously had tubes made from 316L stainless steel, was experiencing maintenance failure every four to six months. Operations were conducted in high chloride levels in temperatures up to 280°C (536°F). The chlorides were causing stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and pitting corrosion in the tubes' outside diameter.

The Solution

We knew it was time to look for a more robust material for the tubes. Sanicro® 28 from Alleima is a high-alloy, multi-purpose, austenitic stainless steel designed for high corrosion. Its resistance to SCC and pitting corrosion means it can withstand high chloride content and temperatures up to 600°C (1100°F). And it’s approved by ASME.

Sanicro® 28’s performance is down to the balanced chemical composition of nickel, and chromium and a relatively high pitting resistance equivalent number (PREN) of 38. Its 31% nickel content increases resistance to SCC and resists deformation at high temperatures. Its 27% chromium-enriched oxide layer boosts pitting corrosion resistance. Making this material an ideal solution for extremely corrosive environments.

The Result

Sanicro® 28 tubes replaced those made from 316L in the hydrogen cooler. They extended equipment life by five times. And they’re still delivering superior performance.

Since our Sanicro® 28 tubes were installed in 2018 there have been no signs of SCC or general corrosion. None have required plugging. And there’s been no leaking.

Our customer’s investment in Sanicro® 28 tubes has been justified by the results - lower production costs, fewer interruptions, and reduced operational risks.

Interested in learning how Sanicro can save you money? Check out our selection of heat exchanger tubes.