Aug 31, 2023 12:00 AM CET

Today, Alleima celebrates its one-year anniversary as a stand-alone company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. To mark this occasion, we would like to highlight some of our achievements throughout the year. It’s truly been an eventful and successful year with many firsts.

“Our heritage is something we will always be proud of. It has truly been an exciting and eventful year. Today, after a year, we can conclude that Alleima is strong as a stand-alone company,” says Göran Björkman, President and CEO of Alleima.

Since 1862, we have advanced industries and applications through materials technology. Our development and manufacturing of advanced stainless steel and special alloys is world-leading.

On August 31, 2022, Alleima was listed on Nasdaq Stockholm as a stand-alone company. Close to 6,000 employees around the world celebrated this occasion. It was a historic day!

“In this first year, we delivered on our strategy of driving profitable growth, worked strategically on our positioning in sustainability, and intensified our focus on safety”, Björkman continues.

Highlights throughout the year

During the year, we experienced many “firsts”. We arranged our first Capital Markets Day, published our first Annual Report, and held our first Annual General Meeting (AGM) for our shareholders.

alleima_arsstamma2023_webb_80.jpgAt the AGM, the Alleima Innovation Prize 2023 was awarded for the first time for outstanding development work related to the production of high Ni grades. We have made a major leap in our production capabilities for remelted high Ni grades which opens opportunities in a broad range of demanding applications, including the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy segment, where we see strong interest in materials that can resist highly corrosive environments.

Product development

Being a materials innovator and technology leader requires a continuous focus on R&D activities. During the year, we launched products such as Freeflex™, Damax ™ and nickel alloys with Sanicro 625®. We aim to further increase the pace of new product introductions and further invested in our R&D expertise, equipment, and facilities.

Acquisitions and partnerships

Endosmart_Nitinol_RetrievalBasket_Steinfangkoerbchen_BlueEdition_TipplessBasket_SpitzenlosesSteinfangkoerbchen.pngAs a further step to strengthen our position in the medical segment, Alleima acquired Endosmart Gesellschaft für Medizintechnik GmbH (Endosmart), a Germany-based manufacturer of medical devices and components made of the shape memory alloy nitinol. The product offering includes kidney stone retrieval baskets and snares, and breast cancer tumor markers, as well as surgical instruments.

Alleima also acquired the Swedish company Söderfors Steel Operations AB (“Söderfors Steel"). The acquisition will add capabilities in hot rolling of small diameter bars and profiles to expand the offering of advanced materials for the Medical and Aerospace segments.

Division Kanthal signed a strategic partnership with Rath to expand their combined offering in industrial heating technology and applications such as solar, lithium-ion battery manufacturing and steel production. Through close collaboration, their offerings will enable industries, such as steel and petrochemical, to make the green shift.

Strategic orders and footprint

Alleima_Tubes_Hero_04_Light_6.jpgWe received several strategic orders, such as a major order for ultra-fine wire in the Medical customer segment, a breakthrough order of steam generator tubes for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), several major orders for the energy segment, and a breakthrough order of Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) tubes for a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project.

We continued to develop our global footprint and invested in and inaugurated a new production line in Mehsana, India which enables us to operate close to customers in Asia, where we want to grow.


Sustainability at our core

Alleima is committed to a number of international initiatives, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Responsible Minerals Initiative. During the year, we further strengthened our sustainability positioning by committing to set science-based net-zero targets, consistent with the Paris Agreement. This is a natural step for Alleima, as sustainability is an integrated part of its operations and customer offering.

All of these are examples of our strong focus on implementing our strategy.