Tato stránka je dostupná pouze v anglickém jazyce (This page is only available in English)
Sustainability is firmly established in our operations and an integrated part of our strategy. Our aim is that our activities should have as little impact on the environment as possible.
Compared with the traditional process of making steel from iron ore, our production process is based on recycled steel. Considering used material as a resource instead of a waste product contributes to circularity. Using recycled steel and an electric arc furnace in our production is also more energy efficient, and the process has a lower carbon footprint than traditional steel production using a blast furnace.
The butterfly effect is the idea that one small occurrence can significantly impact the world. Today's choices ripple into our future. That's why we search for sustainable solutions in everything we do.
Johnny Ulander
Sustainability Manager
Håkan Sundström
Head of Governance and Sustainability
Our products, based on just over 900 active alloys contribute to making our customers’ products, applications, and processes safer, more sustainable, and more efficient. They also enable the transition to renewable sources of energy, the electrification of industries and innovations in the medical sector.
The integrated value chain, from research and development to end products, enables the company to influence and minimize its carbon footprint in all stages of production.